Affordable leather goods

Leather goods are known for their longevity, quality and look. However, these properties often come at a price. In general, leather bags are more expensive than synthetic bags. Hide & Stitches proves, however, that this does not always have to be the case. The Hide & Stitches bags, purses and belts are of good quality and affordable.

The collection

The Hide & Stitches collection is very varied in terms of models and types of leather. The collection offers something for everyone, from backpacks to purses and belts.  


Phone bags



What makes Hide & Stitches unique?

You can exclusive purchase Hide & Stitches from Dugros. In this way you benefit from the advantages we offer as a partner in leather goods. In addition, Hide & Stitches distinguishes itself from other brands in several ways:

Buy each product individually from stock, no pre-order required

Easy ordering through the webshop or representatives

Made from real leather

Attractive retail prices